Hear the latest from our partners on the progress we’re making with Native Peoples from around the world. Discover news from around the web on issues relating to alternative cultures and diversity.
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our vision
Onaway’s vision is of a world where Native Peoples are able to maintain their traditional lifestyles and preserve their knowledge, skills and traditions for a sustainable future.
about onawayprojects
By providing seed grants to natural peoples, our projects strive to keep alive ancient knowledge and wisdom that would otherwise be lost - and may be vital to humankind in the future of this planet.
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Afraid of Bear – American Horse Sun Dance
Harnessing the power of ancestral knowledge and spiritual practice to strengthen Lakota communities

Peruvian Film Heritage Association
Bringing the transformative power of cinema to Indigenous communities

Renewable World
Transforming lives through clean energy

Tibet Relief Fund
Empowering Tibetan refugees to build sustainable communities and better futures